The Beauty Of The Grand Mosque Of Surakarta

The great mosque of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta during pre-independence is the great mosque of the Kingdom (Surakarta Hadiningrat) and funct...

The great mosque of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta during pre-independence is the great mosque of the Kingdom (Surakarta Hadiningrat) and functioning as a place of worship but also as a center of Islamic rituals for the citizens of the Kingdom.

The great mosque was built by Sunan Pakubuwono III in 1763, and was completed in 1768. The great mosque of Surakarta located on the West side of the square North of the Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Surakarta's Pasar Klewer is adjacent.

The great mosque occupies a land area of 19.180 square metres that separated from the surrounding environment with walls around the fence as high as 3.25 meters. The great mosque of Surakarta is a tajug-style building that stack three-roofed and culminating "mustaka" (Crown). The traditional building style of Java this is specifically for the building of the mosque.

Building forms the great mosque of Surakarta were indeed resembles the great mosque of Demak. It has a roof-shaped roof of the composition. In the main prayer space stand four saka guru soko and 12 swamp. The architecture contains Islamic philosophy. The rooftops of mosques is loaded with meaning. The first roof (bottom part) the width, meaning that in this life we should be ngayomi (protect) the running order of his religion.

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