Klewer Market

Pasar Klewer is one where the most famous in the city of Solo. Klewer Market located just west of the Kraton Surakarta. Moderate nort...

Pasar Klewer is one where the most famous in the city of Solo. Klewer Market located just west of the Kraton Surakarta. Moderate north Klewer market there is a historical place of the Great Mosque of Surakarta.

Pasar Klewer is a market dominated by selling fabric, clothes and some are typical Solo batik products. Here is where the largest monetary circulation in the city of Solo.As the biggest batik market in Indonesia Klewer Market shouldn't be missed, especially for travelers who love to shop. Ranging from thousands rupiahs batik cap (stamped batik) cotton shirt to millions rupiahs silk batik tulis (written batik) can be found.

Buyers came not only come from the city of Solo, but from various regions in Indonesia. They usually are the merchants that sell fabrics, clothes and the like in the town where their origin, but there are also buyers who come just to buy a few items for souvenirs or used alone.

atmosphere in the market 
From outside, the market looks like a chaotic area, street vendors are on the trotoar, small buses are stopped everywhere they want to or lots of becak are parking on near the entrance. It's crowded in the Klewer Market; you have to careful with the pickpocket. Perhaps 6-8 doors are being main entrance. But inside, is clean and nice

Various kinds of batik clothes as if persuade you to buy them. From kebaya (Javanese traditional woman cloth), fabrics, formal clothes, to batik shirts, house dress, beautiful blouses and kids clothes. Not only Solo Batik, this market also provides batik collections from Banyumas, Pekalongan, Madura, Yogyakarta, etc. You will easily find both the stamped batik for thousands rupiah and written batik which is way cheaper than the one in boutiques/stores. Bargaining skill is the most important thing to get the best price. Most of the kiosks also sell wholesale for cheaper price instead of buying in retail.

atmosphere in the outside

Happy Shopping and Visit Solo :)
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