Selat Solo Mbak Lies, Delicious Salad from Solo

From the location of the venue, this place is different from the other stalls. Therefore, the location of the stall with a special menu of ...

From the location of the venue, this place is different from the other stalls. Therefore, the location of the stall with a special menu of the Salad rather difficult to find, especially for those who have never toured Solo.

 In terms of place and spatial arrangement, this restaurant is pretty interesting. Mainly an ornament with a unique ornament. His seat is made up of three types, ranging from an ordinary Chair, cross-legged, to dhingklik. Everything impressed with antique vases a beautiful Chinese origin.

Of the existing menu, the most sought after communities are mostly salad. Among them, The Steak, Gravy Sauce, Galantin Salad and Salad of Galantin Fresh Gravy. The third menu contents are actually a bit the same, for Gravy Sauce Ganlantin contents peas peas, steamed egg white decorated, boiled potatoes, sliced cucumber, lettuce mixed with red sauce gravy broth.

This place has stood since 1987. Restaurants in this area often in Serengan subscribe many people from within and outside the city. Although the entry aisle does not become obstacles for those who want to enjoy a Salad of Galantin's Mbak Lies.

So Lets Visit Solo
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