Sample The Savory Shredded Mesran From Kalilarangan

While visiting Solo, feels less if not stopped by the gift shop Pak Mesran. The name is taken from the name of its owner Mesran i.e. M...

While visiting Solo, feels less if not stopped by the gift shop Pak Mesran. The name is taken from the name of its owner Mesran i.e. Mesran Mistopawiro. Souvenirs/Gift shop, which is open in the area this is the Kalilarangan rekomendid hunting for souvenirs Solo. 

One of its flagship product is the jokester Mesran. Axl Rose that tastes savory and delicious is divided into two types based on the ingredients. You can choose which made Mesran Mince beef or chicken meat. A matter of choice of flavor, You can also choose the spicy or sweet. Abon Mesran is perfect for a side dish of rice, let alone a fluffier rice and still warm.

In addition to floss, at the gift shop also sells Mesran Pack As that also branded Mesran. There is also a pulmonary and Intestinal to make to make that worth to try. A wide variety of gift shop from different areas also we can meet there.

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