Night Market Ngarsopuro on Saturday Night

Solo's development is so rapid , has spawned various international events and new recreation areas , one of which was the famous N...

Solo's development is so rapid , has spawned various international events and new recreation areas , one of which was the famous Night Market Ngarsopuro . An art market that is suddenly as it only held on Saturday evening , when a young boy in love again call Sunday evening .

Ngarsopuro Night Market was held in the market area along the city walk Windujenar , Ngarsopuro in front Mangkunegaran . Precisely at Diponegoro street . When the sun is to the west , the region is already lined Ngarsopuro tents were ready to be used to sell SME products and souvenirs of Solo .

Night Market Ngarsopuro never run out of visitors . When Maghrib time is over , many people flocked from the start the kids , teenage couples , families maupung group who want to fill the weekend with a relaxing and inexpensive .

Some products and souvenirs are commonly found here include a variety of clothes , bags , shoes nuanced batik , pin and sticker Solo, souvenirs and a wide range of unique and interesting . In addition , at the Night Market Ngarsopuro there are also many foods and snacks that are ready to pamper the tongue

                                                             So Let's Visit SOLO :)
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