Art Summit Indonesia 2013

Indonesian Arts Institute ( ISI ) will be the closure of Solo ART Summit Indonesia to VII in 2013 on October 25, 2013 . Ramayana...

Indonesian Arts Institute ( ISI ) will be the closure of Solo ART Summit Indonesia to VII in 2013 on October 25, 2013 .

Ramayana dance which will be performed in the closing of ASI VII in 2013 brought a more contemporary movements , without the use of makeup and skimpy clothing , in duration of 30 minutes . Even the dancers are also required to be able to portray many characters at once , so it must be a strong element in it kepenarian and more live performances .

The works chosen , because the Ramayana has been widely known . Ballet is then developed with a new creation that is different from the Ramayana performances in general . Moreover , in this epic story has another interesting side story to be revealed and shown off to the public .

Furthermore, the Rector said that the ISI Solo Art Summit Indonesia is a periodic activity undertaken Indonesia since 1995 this time handled by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy .

Art Summit Indonesia 2013 VII this time the theme Contemporary Art and the Making of Its Market . Followed by 17 groups from six countries such as the UK , Germany , South Korea , Australia , USA , Thailand , and Indonesia.

So Let's Visit SOLO :)
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