Violate the "Freedom" ( Langgar Merdeka )

Violate the "Freedom" is one of the places of worship of Muslims in Kampoeng BatikLaweyan very historic. Located on maj...

Violate the "Freedom" is one of the places of worship of Muslims in Kampoeng BatikLaweyan very historic. Located on major roads / profinsi precisely in the way Dr. NoRadjiman. Surakarta 565 which is the "ICONS" Batik Kampoeng Laweyan as well as asignpost for all who will be heading to Kampoeng Laweyan Batik.

According to the Mayor of Surakarta SK no. 646/116/1/1997 on Regulation of the Heritage Area, the Break "Freedom" is one of the heritage buildings in KampoengLaweyan Batik is mandatory to be protected, preserved and conserved. Violating the building of "Freedom" stands on waqf land area of ​​179 m2, with a land certificate No.waqf. 06 dated September 6, 2007.

Historically, buildings Break "Freedom" is a waqf (verbally) from Almarhun Mr. H. ImamHj Mashadi and deceased mother. Aminah Imam Mashadi, violating the Development of "Freedom" began in 1942 and was completed on February 26, 1946 which was inaugurated by the Minister of Social first (I) that the late Mr. Joyo Martono Mulyadi,violating "Merdeka" established after the founding of the mosque "Al Makmur" in Setonoon in 1944.

Violating the building of "Freedom" is building a house previously owned bythe Chinese who used to sell Opium (Marijuana) which was later bought by Mr. H.Almarhun Imam Mashadi.

Violating the name "Freedom" is taken in order to commemorate the independence of Indonesia, but at the Dutch Military Aggression II in 1949 renamed the Break "Al Ikhlas"because it is prohibited to use the word "Freedom" by the Dutch who occupiedSurakarta. After the Dutch Military Aggression II ends, re-use the name Break"Freedom" in 1950. At the time of the Dutch Military Aggression II, violating "Merdeka"was also sentenced to 2 (two) pieces of bombs by the Dutch military, but on the help ofAllah SWT does not bomb on the Break "Freedom" and also did not explode.

So Lets Visit Solo :)
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