Kasunanan Palace

Kasunanan Palace Keraton   Surakarta   is the   symbol   and   forerunner   better known as   Surakarta   or   Solo.  Keraton   Surak...

Kasunanan Palace
Keraton Surakarta is the symbol and forerunner better known as Surakarta or Solo. Keraton Surakartaor in its official name Kraton Surakarta Hadiningratis a historicplace that should not be missed when visiting the city of SoloBuilt in stages since firstestablished in 1744 by Sunan Pakubuwono II, making the Keraton Surakarta an exotic place that also saves a lot of historical value.

Physically Keraton Surakarta have much in common with the Sultan Palace in terms of the basic spatial pattern, because one of the architect is Prince Sultan Hamengkubuwana Mangkubumi I, which is also the main architect of the palace of Yogyakarta. The similarity of spatial patterns are very clearly visible on the location of the square in the north and south of the palace.

Panggung Sanggabuana
tower of Kasusunan Palaca
Keraton Surakarta is located right in downtown, adjacent to the city of Solo, some landmarks, such as City Hall, Pasar Klewer and Pasar Gede. Various means of transport can be used to reach locations, especially the traditional means of transport such as rickshaws and horse.

Keraton Surakarta experienced a golden era in the reign of Sunan Pakubuwono X inthe year 1893-1939. Keraton Surakarta conduct large-scale restoration, with a mixture of architectural styles between Java and Europe in shades of white and blue.
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